The compound directional complement
The compound directional complement derives from the combination of the verbs 去 (qù) and 来 (lái) with other verbs like 上 (shàng) “to go up”,下 (xià) “to go down”, 出 (chū) “to go out”, 过 (guò) “to pass” and 起 (qǐ) “to get up”. These combinations are placed after the main action verb to indicate not only approaching and distancing but also a more precise direction.
上来 (shàng lái): indicates a positive outcome or the ability to do something.
zhège wèntí lǎoshī kěndìng huídá dé shànglái
[this QU question teacher certainly to-answer ST to-go-up to-come]
The teacher will certainly be able to answer this question.
上去 (shàngqù): indicates an addition or an increase.
shuǐguǒ shālā hái méi zhǔnbèi hǎo, nǐ hái yào bǎ zhè liǎng gè píngguǒ jiā shàngqù
[fruit-salad yet not ready good you still to-have-to BA this two QU apple to-add to-go-up to-go]
The fruit salad is not ready yet, you still have to add these two apples.
下来 (xiàlái): indicates detachment, stillness, the gradual development of a condition and the continuation of an action from the past to the present.
tā bǎ shù shàng de lízi dōu zhāi xiàláile
[he BA tree on ST pear all to-pick to-go-down to-come MOD]
He picked all the pears from the tree.
gōnggòng qìchē tíng xiàláile
[bus to-stop to-go-down to-come MOD]
The bus stopped.
tiānkōng màn man de hēi xiàláile
[sky slowly ST black to-go-down to-come MOD]
The sky darkened slowly.
zhège gùshì shì cóng gǔdài chuán xiàlái de
[this QU story to-be from ancient-times to-pass-on to-go-down to-come ST]
This story has been passed on from ancient times.
下去 (xiàqù): indicates the continuation of an action from the present.
méiyǒu nǐ wǒ zhēn de bùnéng huó xiàqù
[not there-be you I really ST not can to-live to-go-down to-go]
I really can’t live without you.
出来 (chūlái): indicates the occurrence or the recognition of something.
tùzǐ túrán tiàole chūlái
[rabbit suddenly to-jump ASP to-go-out to-come]
The rabbit suddenly jumped out.
tā biàn pàngle, wǒ zhēn de rèn bù chūlái tāle
[he to-become fat MOD I really ST to-recognize not to-go-out to-come he MOD]
He got fat, I really can’t recognize him.
过来 (guòlái): indicates a rotating and approaching movement and a return to an original state.
nǐ néng bùnéng bǎ diànnǎo ná guòlái
[you can not can BA computer to-take to-pass to-come]
Can you bring me the computer?
tā zhōngyú xǐng guòláile
[she at-last to-wake-up to-pass to-come MOD]
At last she woke up.
过去 (guòqù): indicates a rotating and distancing movement and a departure from an original state.
wǒmen mǎshàng pài rén guòqù bāng nín ná xínglǐ
[we immediately to-send person to-pass to-go to-help you to-take luggage]
We immediately send someone over to help you with your luggage.
bìngrén yī dàole yīyuàn jiù yūn guòqùle
[patient as-soon-as to-arrive ASP hospital then to-faint to-pass to-go MOD]
The patient fainted as soon as he arrived at the hospital.
回来 (huílái): indicates an approaching return.
zhège lǐwù shì wǒ cóng zhōngguó dài huílái de
[this QU gift to-be I from China to-bring to-return to-come ST]
This gift was brought from China by me.
回去 (huíqù): indicates a distancing return.
tā bǎ shū dài huí túshū guǎn qùle
[he BA book to-take to-return library to-go MOD]
He took the book back to the library.
起来 (qǐlái): indicates a concealment, the gathering of things that were previously scattered, the outcome of an action, the beginning of an action. It can also mean “to” with reference to the ability to do something.
māmā bǎ wánjù dōu shōu qǐláile
[mum BA toy all to-put-away to-get-up to-come MOD]
Mum put all the toys away.
tā xǐhuān bǎ tóufǎ xì qǐlái
[she to-like BA hair to-tie to-get-up to-come]
She likes to tie her hair.
wǒ xiǎng qǐláile
[I to-remember to-get-up to-come MOD]
I remembered it.
háizi yī diédǎo, jiù lìmǎ kūle qǐlái
[child as-soon-as to-fall then right-away to-cry ASP to-get-up to-come]
The child started crying as soon as he fell.
kuàizi yòng qǐlái hěn bù róngyì
[chopstick to-use to-get-up to-come INT not easy]
Chopsticks are not easy to use.
Finally, when the object is represented by a place, this must necessarily be placed inside the compound directional complement.

Cover background picture by Magda Ehlers (
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