The difference among 还, 又 and 再

还 (hái), 又 (yòu) and 再 (zài) all mean “again, still” and they all express the repetition of an action, but they are used differently in a sentence. 还 is used, mostly in questions, to indicate the repetition or the continuation of an action that has not occurred yet. In addition, it means “even more”.

nǐ hái bù zǒu
[you yet not to-leave]
Haven’t you left yet?

nǐ hái zài chīfàn a
[you still ASP to-eat MOD]
Are you still eating?

jīntiān bǐ zuótiān hái lěng
[today than yesterday even-more cold]
Today is even colder than yesterday.

又 expresses the repetition of a past action, that had already taken place and it means “again, still”. In addition, it indicates the coexistence of two conditions of things and, in this case, it means “both… and…”.

xiǎohái yòu bǎ shǒujī nòng huàile
[child again BA mobile-phone to-break ASP]
The child broke the mobile phone again.

tā yòu gāo yòu piàoliang
[she both tall and beautiful]
She’s tall and beautiful.

再, on the other hand, expresses the repetition or the continuation of a future action.

míngtiān zàishuō ba
[tomorrow again to-talk MOD]
We’ll talk about it again tomorrow.

nǐ bú shūfú dehuà, zài qù kàn yīshēng
[you not to-feel-well ST case again to-go to-see doctor]
If you aren’t feeling well, go see the doctor again.

Cover background picture by Gigi (

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