The simple directional complement

When an action verb is followed by another verb or a combination of two verbs indicating the direction of the action of the first verb, the latter are called directional complement. The directional complement can be divided in simple and compound. The simple directional complement consists of action verbs followed by the verbs 去 () and 来 (lái), which we have already discussed in the lesson The usage of 去 and 来, specifying respectively distancing and approaching with respect to the person who is talking.

jìnlái ba
[to-enter to-come MOD]
Come in! (action towards the speaker)

wǒ mǎshàng huíqù
[I right-away to-go-back to-go]
I’ll be right back! (action away from the speaker)

There are also figurative directional complements, such as:

上 (shàng): “to go up”, indicates the beginning of an action, a positive outcome and a contact.

tā ài shàngle wǒ gēgē
[she to-love to-go-up ASP I elder-brother]
She fell in love with my brother. (beginning of an action)

wǒ zhōngyú mǎi shàngle fángzi
[I at-last to-buy to-go-up ASP house]
At last I bought a house. (positive outcome)

wàimiàn hěn lěng, dài shàng shǒutào
[outside INT cold to-put-on to-go-up gloves]
It’s cold outside, put on your gloves. (contact)

下 (xià): “to go down”, indicates detachment or accessibility.

zhèlǐ hěn rè, tuō xià jiákè
[here INT hot to-take-off to-go-down jacket]
It’s hot here, take off your jacket. (detachment)

nǐ liú xià chī wǎnfàn ma
[you to-stay to-go-down to-eat dinner MOD]
Are you staying for dinner?

出 (chū): “to go out”, expresses an outward direction and indicates the manifestation of an action.

qǐng ná chū hùzhào
[please to-take to-go-out passport]
Please, show your passport.

过 (guò): “to pass” expresses a rotating movement.

wǒ huí guòtóu de shíhòu, tā yǐjīng zǒule
[I to-turn to-pass head ST time he already to-go MOD]
When I turned around, he was already gone.

Cover background picture by Tom Fisk (

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