The usage of 去 and 来

去 () and 来 (lái) are directional verbs that respectively mean “to go” and “to come”, therefore suggesting distancing and approaching with respect to the person who is talking.

nǐ shénme shíhòu huì qù běijīng
[you when FUT to-go Beijing]
When will you go to Beijing?

The person who is talking is not in Beijing.

wǒ bàba huì lái jīchǎng jiē wǒ
[I dad FUT to-come airport to-pick-up I]
My dad will come to the airport to pick me up.

The person who is talking is at the airport.

去 () and 来 (lái) can also be used together with other verbs to indicate the direction of an action.

mìshū: zǒng jīnglǐ, zhōu xiānshēng láile
zǒng jīnglǐ: ràng tā jìnlái ba!
[secretary: president, Zhou Mister to-arrive ASP
president: to-let him to-enter to-come MOD]
Secretary: President, Mister Zhou is here (arrived).
President: Let him in!

In this case, the secretary and the president are both in the same place (the president’s office) and 来 is used together with 进 “to enter” because it refers to Mister Zhou, who is outside the office.
Assuming the next scene, we could have

mìshū: zhōu xiānshēng, nín kěyǐ jìnqù
[secretary: Zhou Mister you(polite form) can to-ender to-go]
Secretary: Mister Zhou, you can go in.

In this case, both the secretary and Mister Zhou are outside the president’s office and 去 is used because the direction indicated by the verb 进 is that towards the inside of the office where the president is.

Cover background picture by Thong Vo (

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